system interrupt

英 [ˈsɪstəm ˌɪntəˈrʌpt] 美 [ˈsɪstəm ˌɪntəˈrʌpt]

网络  系统中断



  1. In a partitioned system, the interrupt cannot be sent to any processor.
  2. OProfile is fine-grained and can collect samples for a set of instructions, or for function, system call, or interrupt handlers.
  3. Then, the state data was inputted into computer by computer interface or USB, at last, the drive program of operation system was used to interrupt the data input.
  4. A software flag, by which processors in a multiprocessing system interrupt each other.
  5. A Mechanism of Linux Embedded System Interrupt Handling
  6. When you're finished, either party can exit talk by typing the local system's interrupt character.
  7. The processor will store the virtual address which caused the page fault in a register, and then signal the operating system through an interrupt handler.
  8. Real-time operating system interrupt flag;
  9. Protecting and Resuming files at System Sudden Interrupt Under the Environment of Pro/ Engineer
  10. This paper introduces three ways to design interrupt program in microprocessors, loop crippled wait interrupt, external hardware interrupt synchronizes with software system, interrupt taking over and hot key technique.
  11. The design of PCI bus on FIFO chip from hardware solve the problem of frequent calling system interrupt in data high-speed interchange, which will be of great benefit for the application and development of PCI interface.
  12. In the part of real-time capability testing, Linux 2.4 kernel, Linux 2.6 kernel and the improved system are compared on interrupt response time and context-switching time which are two key criterions of real-time testing.
  13. It not only can efficiently process Local Interrupt and System Interrupt in single processor system, but also it can process the inter-processor interrupt among multiprocessors.
  14. We also have completed its circuit diagram. We developed the software of 2407A which included the configuring of the system, exterior interrupt, counting of the Quadrature Encoder Pulse ( QEP) signal and serial communication etc.
  15. A High Speed Image Capture System Based on interrupt and Multi-Thread Techniques
  16. The software design gives the software system framework, the system task control and system interrupt management, then lays particular stress on the communication of main encode chip and DSP& single-chip microcomputer, avoiding noise, human – machine interface, etc.
  17. The Operation System Interrupt Stacks Analyze and Implement Based on ARM
  18. This paper introduces the steps and methods for protecting and resuming files at system sudden interrupt due to various causes under the environment of Pro/ Engineer.
  19. A universal key input system with direct interrupt coding
  20. A research on realizing CT's forepart data-collecting system using interrupt technique based on an embedded system
  21. Second, The system structure, Interrupt Request Level, Thread Scheduler, Asynchronous Procedure Call and Local Process Call of Windows 2000 are analyzed, and some methods are produced.
  22. The authors use the checkpoint mechanism of the Linux operating system to interrupt the running process of the Apache server and create Core file which can save the context of the interrupted process of the Apache server.
  23. The stability and the delay time of the scan working model trigger system and the interrupt working model trigger system were compared and studied by the experiment of synchronization trigger of the thermosonic flip-chip bonding.
  24. Real-Address Mode interrupt control transfer module has passed in the function verification. That is during the process of starting the Operating System, all interrupt handled by the design.
  25. Based on the successfully ported ARM Linux kernel, optimize its interrupt system, reduce its interrupt delay.
  26. This part analysis the differences between suspension and the extension system and prosecution deadline interrupt system.
  27. The main process of Gateway system used interrupt, in the interrupt handler to implement protocol conversion.
  28. The module software is a front and back office system. Namely the front system completes interrupt service routine while the background system completes the task-level program.